Monday 29 July 2013



Hey! diddle, diddle 

The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon. 

Baa, baa, black sheep, 

Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full; 
One for my master,
One for my dame,
And one for the little boy
That lives in our lane.  

Hickory, dickory, dock, 

The mouse ran up the clock;
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down;
Hickory, dickory, dock. 

Jack and Jill went up the hill,

To fetch a pail of water;
Jack fell down, and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.

One, two,

Buckle my shoe;
Three, four,
Shut the door;
Five, six,
Pick up sticks;
Seven eight,
Lay them straight;
Nine, ten,
A good fat hen;
Eleven, twelve,
Who will delve?
Thirteen, fourteen,
Maids a-courting;
Fifteen, sixteen,
Maids a-kissing;
Seventeen, eighteen,
Maids a-waiting;
Nineteen, twenty,
My stomach's empty. 

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake,

Baker's man,
Bake me a cake
As fast as you can;
Prick it and pat it,
And mark it with T,
And put it in the oven
For Teddy and me.

To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,

Home again, home again, dancing a jig;
To market, to market, to buy a fat hog;
Home again, home again, jiggety-jog;
To market, to market, to buy a plum bun,
Home again, home again, market is done.

Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,

Upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown,
Rapping at the window, crying through the lock,
"Are the children in their beds, for now it's eight o'clock?" 

One Two Three Four Five

Once I caught a fish alive
Six Seven Eight Ten 
Then I let it go again
Why did you let it go
Because it bit my finger so
Which finger did it bite
The little finger on the right

Hot cross buns

Hot cross buns
One a penny, two a penny
Hot cross buns
If you have no daughters, give them to your sons
One a penny, two a penny
Hot cross buns

Pat a cake

Pat a cake 
Bakers man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Bake it and prick it 
And mark it with T
And put it in the oven
For teacher and me

I love you, you love me

We are all a family
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you 
Then you say 

You love me too.


I heard that CBSE syllabus is more difficult but better syllabus in education in India. Is it correct?

What are the advantages of studying under CBSE syllabus? I want to know the advantages, standard and value of CBSE, Matriculation, ICSE and stateboard syllabus of education in India.

Thank you for valuable information about CBSE & ICSE board Mr. Sagar.

This proves that every state boards are lacking far behind in terms of knowledge, practical trainings
and sharpness of different field.

Then what is the meaning of a state board exam where still about 60-70% students are getting their
education and in the end failing to the competitive exams.

Both CBSE and ICSE have nationwide same syllabus while state board and matriculation follow a different pattern for each state.

CBSE or Central Board of Secondary Education is the most popular school board in India and is
widely spread across all states. The exams are conducted for both private and regular students
in two languages- English and Hindi. Indian Government recognises CBSE board and the new initiatives of the Government to introduce grading system are a proof of it. The CBSE syllabus is aimed at meeting the needs of various entrance exams including the medical and engineering stream.

The CBSE board conducts exams at the end of the year to judge the performance of students and
award them marks and grades to proceed to the next section. The syllabus is common nationwide.

ICSE or Indian School Certificate Examination is popular among Indians as equivalent to the
Senior School Examination of the University of Scotland. That implies that a student will
not be required to complete bridging course or obtain A level qualification while trying
to join universities in UK and Commonwealth. This board is not recognised by the Government though the qualification is accepted globally like CBSE. The medium of instructions in only English and the number of ICSE schools are much lesser than CBSE schools in India. The ICSE focuses on detailed study with greater focus on internal assessments and practicals. The results are declared after considering the exam results and the results of the internal assessments and practical study. The board does not allow students who do not study in ICSE affiliated schools to take up the ICSE exams, that is private candidates are not allowed to write ICSE exams. The syllabus is common nation wide.

State board syllabus is designed by the Department of Education of the concerned State Government.
That implies that the syllabus changes for every state of India. Each state government looks after
educational issues pertaining to this system. The level of education of state boards is considered
easier than CBSE and ICSE boards. They try to accommodate even students with lower IQ to complete their schooling successfully. They do not focus on competency for entrance examinations of medical and engineering. However, the engineering and medical colleges are instructed to allocate higher number of seats for state board students than CBSE/ICSE students. These students have been found to struggle with their studies in the first year of college education as the standard of education
goes up suddenly.

Matriculation board is set up by the matriculation board of a particular state and this board conducts
examinations only upto class X. The next two years of examination are shifted to the state board syllabus.
The matriculation standard is considered higher than the state board syllabus but lower than CBSE/ICSE.
The method of education is based on rote learning and textual content is emphasised. Analytical thinking is lesser among these students but this is preferred to state board due to the better level of education. 


* A to Z - English Alphabets - Pronunciation, Communication, Body
A- Airplane., B- Baseball., C-Cricket., Computer., Catamaran.
D-Doctor., E- Earth., F-Fan., Flower., G-Gun., Golf.
H-Helicopter.,Hovercraft., Hockey., I-IceCream.,Igloo.
J- Jet., K- Keyboard., Kettle.,L-Lion., Ladder.
M- Men., N-Nest., O- One's., Owl., Oxbow.
P- Padlock.,Pain.,Plant., Q - Queen., R-Rain.,Rhombus., S-Ship., Square.
T-Television., Tiger., U-Umbrella., Urinary Tract., V-Volley Ball.,
W-Watch., Wagon., X-Xylophone., Y-Yacht., Z-Zebra.
Always follow the British Pronunciation while pronouncing the alphabets with rhythm, sound.,volume and pitch.

Capital Letters - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.
Small Letters - a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z.


Hey! diddle, diddle
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full;
One for my master,
One for my dame,
And one for the little boy
That lives in our lane. 

 Hickory, Dickory, Dock,
The mouse ran up the clock;
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down;
Hickory, Dickory, dock.

Jack and Jill went up the hill,
To fetch a pail of water;
Jack fell down, and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.

One, two,
Buckle my shoe;
Three, four,
Shut the door;
Five, six,
Pick up sticks;
Seven eight,
Lay them straight;
Nine, ten,
A good fat hen;
Eleven, twelve,
Who will delve?
Thirteen, fourteen,
Maids a-courting;
Fifteen, sixteen,
Maids a-kissing;
Seventeen, eighteen,
Maids a-waiting;
Nineteen, twenty,
My stomach's empty.
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake,
Baker's man,
Bake me a cake
As fast as you can;
Prick it and pat it,
And mark it with T,
And put it in the oven
For Teddy and me.

To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
Home again, home again, dancing a jig;
To market, to market, to buy a fat hog;
Home again, home again, jiggety-jog;
To market, to market, to buy a plum bun,
Home again, home again, market is done.

Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,
Upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown,
Rapping at the window, crying through the lock,
"Are the children in their beds, for now it's eight o'clock?"

One Two Three Four Five
Once I caught a fish alive
Six Seven Eight Ten
Then I let it go again
Why did you let it go
Because it bit my finger so
Which finger did it bite
The little finger on the right

Hot cross buns
Hot cross buns
One a penny, two a penny
Hot cross buns
If you have no daughters, give them to your sons
One a penny, two a penny
Hot cross buns

Pat a cake
Pat a cake
Bakers man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Bake it and prick it
And mark it with T
And put it in the oven
For teacher and me

I love you, you love me
We are all a family
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Then you say
You love me too.

* Listening & Reading Story - Understanding the Moral.
* Hand - writing.
* Basics of Maths - Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication. -
Metric Measurements - Paisa to Billion - 1 - 100.
* Definition of Words - Photo Identifications - Kinder Garden.
* Parts of the Human System.
* Plants and Animals - Study.
* Tamil Alphabets - Definitions - Formation of Sentences.
* Painting, Coloring - Drawing, Sketch, Crayons, Chart, Card-boards,
Water Coloring.
* Photo Identification of Words, Animals.
* Understanding of Colors - Dark, Light, Brightness, Contrast.
Combination of colors - English Colors - Mixed Colors.
* Dressing - Clothes, Uniform, Formal, Informal - Always suitable for skin
and posture.
* Self Introduction - Relationship.
* Daily Living - Bathing, Brushing Teeth, Hair-wash, Prayer, Respect & To Chew - Eating Habits.
* Physical Studies - Exercise, Games, Activities.
* Understanding Seasons - Temperature.
* Directions in Tamil, English - ( East, West, North and South ).
* Formation of Sentences.
* Cross Training Human Minds.

Class 1st Standard - 12th Standard :-
State Board - Ref:-
Matriculation & CBSE:- Ref:-


* A to Z - English Alphabets - Pronunciation, Communication, Body
* Nursery Rhymes.
* Listening & Reading Story - Understanding the Moral.
* Hand - writing.
* Basics of Maths - Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication. -
Metric Measurements - Paisa to Billion - 1 - 100.
* Definition of Words - Photo Identifications - Kinder Garden.
* Parts of the Human System.
* Plants and Animals - Study.
* Tamil Alphabets - Definitions - Formation of Sentences.
* Painting, Coloring - Drawing, Sketch, Crayons, Chart, Card-boards,
Water Coloring.
* Photo Identification of Words, Animals.
* Understanding of Colors - Dark, Light, Brightness, Contrast.
Combination of colors - English Colors - Mixed Colors.
* Dressing - Clothes, Uniform, Formal, Informal - Always suitable for skin
and posture.
* Self Introduction - Relationship.
* Daily Living - Bathing, Brushing Teeth, Hair-wash, Prayer, Respect & To Chew - Eating habits.
* Physical Studies - Exercise, Games, Activities.
* Understanding Seasons - Temperature - Fahrenheit and Celsius., Winter.-Dec., January., February, Spring - March.,April.,May., Summer - June.,July.,August., Fall - Sep.,Oct.,Nov.
* Directions in Tamil, English - ( East, West, North and South ).
* Formation of Sentences.
* Cross Training Human Minds.
* Learning about Multitasking, Fast and Accurate.


Ø  English - I        - Angilam.
Ø  English - II

Ø  Tamil - I         - Tamizh.
Ø  Tamil - II
Ø  Maths - I         - Kanitham.
Ø  Maths - II
Ø  History          - Varalaru.
Ø  Geography       - Bogonam.  
Ø  Civics.
Ø  Physics          -
Ø  Chemistry        -  
Ø  Botany           - Thavaraveil.
Ø  Zoology          - Vilangeil.
Ø  Computer Science  - Kannini.
Ø  General Knowledge - Podhu Arivu.
Ø  Technical Drawing -   
Ø  Physical Studies   - Vilaiyaatu Padipu. - Uniformity, Exercise.
    Indoor - Snow bowling, Billiards, Carrom, Chess, TT, Tennis, Shuttle.
    Outdoor - Football, Cricket, Cycling, Running Race.



Ø  Physical Practical
Ø  Chemistry Practical.


Ø  Introduction to Computer and Basics Programming.
Ø  Electronics Devices and Circuits.
Ø  Digital Electronics and Microprocessors.
Ø  Basic Programming.
Ø  Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory.
Ø  Digital Electronics and Microprocessors Laboratory.


Ø  Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques.
Ø  Assembly Language Programming.
Ø  System Software.
Ø  Microprocessor Interfacing Laboratory.
Ø  Assembly Language Programming Laboratory.
Ø  System Software Laboratory.


Ø  Computer Architecture.
Ø  Microprocessor Based System Design.
Ø  Programming in "C".
Ø  Microprocessor System Design Laboratory.
Ø  Programming in "C" Laboratory.
Ø  PC Packages Laboratory.


Ø  Computer Installation and Servicing.
Ø  Introduction to Computer Communication and Graphics.
Ø  Organisational Study and Entrepreneurship.
Ø  Elective Theory.
Ø  Hardware Servicing Laboratory.
Ø  Project Work and Entrepreneurship.

B.B.A & B.SC.I.T - Integrated 1st YEAR.


Ø  Elements of Insurance.
Ø  English - English - Prose & Usage.
Ø  Scientific Computing.
Ø  Management Process & Organisation Theory.
Ø  Managerial Economics.
Ø  Basics Of Information Technology.
Ø  OOPS & C++.


Ø  Business Correspondence
Ø  Organisational Behavior.
Ø  Marketing Management.
Ø  Financial and Management Accounting.
Ø  LAB - MS-Office, DTP, C++
Ø  Principle of Communication System.


Ø  Human Resource Management
Ø  Business Finance.
Ø  Production and Materials Management.
Ø  Money, International Trade & International Institution.
Ø  Internet and JAVA Programming.
Ø  Computer Networks.


Ø  Data Structures.
Ø  Information Coding Techniques.
Ø  Database Management Systems.
Ø  E-Commerce.
Ø  Web Design.
Ø  Programming - Laboratory- II.
   (Oracle, JAVA, and WEB Design)


Ø  Management Accounting.
Ø  Quantitative Methods.
Ø  Business Environment & Law.
Ø  Financial Management.
Ø  Operations Management.
Ø  Personnel Management & Industrial Relations.
Ø  Operations Research.
Ø  Strategic Management.
Ø  RDBMS System.
Ø  Entreprenurship and Management of Small Business.
Ø  Introduction to C and C++.
Ø  Computer Networks,
Ø  Modelling and Simulation.
Ø  Project Work.


Ø  Principles of Management.
Ø  Organisational Behavior.
Ø  Managerial Economics.
Ø  Research Methodology.
Ø  Fundamentals of Computers.
Ø  Management Information & Data Processing System.
Ø  Marketing Management.